Commercial Credit Group is a different kind of equipment finance company. We’re an independent lender and do things our own way. Our business model is relationship driven and we evaluate credit...
With tax season is just around the corner, now is a great time to review some of the, often overlooked, business expenses that may seem mundane and insignificant, but left unchecked can be costing...
When companies consider financing the purchase of a new or used piece of equipment, the monthly payment amount can be critical. In many cases, the target amount of the payment is determined based...
If you are thinking about financing your equipment purchase, we have some tips to help make the process easier and faster.
WasteExpo is getting back to business this year - the live, in-person conference is scheduled for June 28th - 30th in Las Vegas. WasteExpo is the leading event in North America for waste, recycling...
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) officially ended on Monday, May 31, 2021, which means businesses are no longer able to apply for loans under the program. However, if your company received a PPP...
Industries, such as construction, manufacturing, transportation, or waste hauling, that rely on revenue generating equipment are very capital intensive and have a lot of equity tied up in that...
When considering an equipment acquisition for your business, you may have wondered, “Should I choose a lease or a loan?” Depending on your industry, the type of equipment you intend to acquire, and...
Buying used equipment can be a great way to obtain additional equipment at reasonable prices, and while it’s often easy to find available used equipment, there are some factors you should consider...
Recently we provided a brief review of 2020 and some of the business lessons learned from the chaos and struggles. One of the main points in that article was that the industries served by CCG -...
The year of 2020 was certainly one to remember. Although many would like to forget about it and leave it all behind, there are things that can be learned from what happened. Here is what we...
When discussing an equipment loan, many companies begin with the question, “What is the interest rate?”. What most people don’t understand is that interest rate is actually a very small component of...
Heavy equipment auctions present great opportunities for business owners to purchase good-quality, affordable machinery at an advantageous price point. In addition to significant cost savings...
Recently Julie Murphy, our VP of Marketing, talked with tax professionals from Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP to get their take on some of the most important topics to discuss with your tax advisor, for...
When most people think about equipment financing, they think in terms of a specific purchase of either new or used equipment. But there are many other reasons to finance, or refinance, equipment. In...