Commercial Credit Group Inc. (CCG) is in the equipment finance business. Since the company’s founding in 2004 we’ve been financing equipment for the construction, transportation, and waste industries. And in 2017, with the purchase of Manufacturers Capital, we’ve been providing the same service for the metalworking and fabrication industries.
NO Distractions
Equipment financing is our core business. We aren’t distracted by other operations or priorities that typically happen at a bank or a financial institution with many different lines of business, which, when the going gets tough, often turn into a decision on which line(s) to shutter. And during this unusual time, we aren’t sidetracked by an overwhelming number of SBA applications for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loans – because we don’t fund SBA loans.
We are in it for the long haul, when times are good and when times are tough. We provide equipment financing loans and leases and this is all we do. Unlike some lenders that come into the market when they see opportunity, and then leave when the economy turns, CCG is here to stay.
This means, that no matter the current economic situation, our people are available to help guide you through your financing options and put together the best loan for your current and future business needs. We are open for business today just as we were in 2008-2009 – helping our customers navigate and prosper.
Flexible and agile
During this time of uncertainty and fear, some financial institutions have been forced to reduce staff and curtail operations because they weren’t set up to accommodate the stay-at-home orders. When the stay-at-home orders were issued, all CCG branches were fully staffed and working from our offices. Because we are lean, flexible and agile, our IT department quickly deployed equipment and set up home operations for our staff, within 24 hours, and with no reduction in service to our customers.
Additionally, we quickly rolled out the use of Docusign to enable electronic signatures on documents, allowing us to comply with social distancing and even speeding up our funding process. In essence, we turned a time of crisis into a time of operational growth, what we strive to achieve for our customers.
Independent and quick
We are privately held and don’t sell any of our loans. This is more important than ever as some lenders have 3rd- party servicers who can only adjust loans according to predetermined rules, regardless of the underlying circumstances or customer needs. A lender like CCG that holds their loans on balance sheet has the flexibility to make the right decision, not merely picking from a predetermined list of alternatives.
We move quickly to process your loan and get you the money you need to keep your operation running. Our financing options are plentiful, and our staff is well-seasoned and knowledgeable – about financing and about equipment. We provide:
- Debt consolidation to possibly lower your current monthly payments
- Equipment refinance to get cash out to fund operations
- Equipment loans for new or used equipment to keep your business running
We have the resources to provide a variety of financing options even during uncertain times and we’ll be with you through the life of your loan.